One thing i will truly miss is all my beautiful friends and there little babes!! AAAh i could eat them up! So sweet and pure! Gonna miss everyone and everything so much!
I was chasing around Anela the other day in the courtyard, she was playing with all the neighbourhood kids, doing what they do and one of the little boys said "can you take a picture of me and Liah?? I said of course!! Then he sat with me on the bench looking at each one with the cutest smile. I asked hin... is she your girlfriend? He said not YET! XO
I see so many characteristics of romain in anela! From the day she was born she has always been soo attached to her pappa. When he is gone she carries him in her heart. Pointing up to the mountains and airplanes saying "hi pappa, i love you... i miss you!" It melts my heart to stand back and see the excietment and joy our children have to spend time with Romain!
The sun has been shinning and its been hot hot hot!!Long days filled with love,light and sun kissed skin!Her are some random pics along the way! Got to run... the lake is calling moi! BISOUS