First of all i must say hats off to april for throwing the coolest birthday party ever!! from the circus ticket invites, bloon animals, photo booth and over the top hand made treats i am still blown away!!! wow talented and creative is an understatement! good job april... i look forward to next year..haha.
these were taken at ten am.... i was amazed by the clouds and wanted to get a shot so i messed around with the exposure so they wouldnt be to washed out and this is the result...

popcorn cupcakes!! not only do the look spectacular they were delicious!
how does she do that!! april is incredible!!!!
kiki and chase...kiki doesnt look to sure about the whole clown thing
kiki... whats up with that nose?
uh oh.... someone got into the ketchup!
chase you crack me up!
ya check out these goodie bags!

goodie goodie gum drops

toot sweet